The Sacred Life Must Return
by Richard Harvey on 03/31/18
Our world today is in
crisis. The outward crisis is expressed spectacularly in war, genocide,
victimization, bigotry and prejudice, intolerance and cruelty, escalating
around the world internationally and domestically, ecological disasters current
or looming, global economic crisis, scarce resources and the ubiquitous
exploitation of humans, animals and the planet.
The inner crisis is
less apparent to the human eye. But to the person who looks carefully it is
even more important, and it is more vital that, as the source of the outward,
hellish expressions of suffering, we do something about it. Only human beings
can avert the imminent crisis, through real inner change producing an inner
psychological, spiritual revolution, through feeling and showing a sense of
respect, honor and reverence toward the world.
The sacred life must
return to our world now and sacredness begins inside. There is no short cut, no
quick way—the way is to cultivate awareness and consciousness in human beings.
People must learn that their every action, thought, desire, fear, feeling and
emotion is directly related to the outward state of the world, because being
precedes doing and the world today is a direct outcome of humankind’s
unconscious state.
If inner work—the
sacred way of inner respect, honoring and reverence—is not embraced by many
and, over time, the majority of humankind, the imminent crisis is certain to
fulfill itself in ways we hardly need to imagine, since they are all too
obvious. If, however, inner work is adopted as standard, shepherding us through
thresholds of maturation, reflecting and cultivating our inner wisdom and that
of our children and our children’s children, then the crisis will surely be
averted. A spiritual revolution of consciousness will propel humanity to the
heart center of kindness, love and compassion and through the abiding,
profound, natural impulse toward peace, consciousness, joy and the divine.
A community of human
souls intent on attaining inner freedom, practicing compassion and responding
to spiritual and divine longing is an appropriate and direct response to the
demands of the present time. Be proud of your inner work in whatever discipline
or practice you have adopted or practice it, be tolerant of other’s beliefs,
cooperate with others rather than stand alone in your egoity and, above all,
practice compassion in action to all, without discrimination.
Human potential,
global awareness and spiritual consciousness are related so closely and bound
so tightly together that there is hardly any difference between them. They are
simply all consciousness and consciousness is what as human beings we have to
awaken to.
BLOG entry #141
This article by Richard Harvey was originally published at and it is part of an ongoing retrospective series of blogs. ‘The Sacred Life Must Return’ was first published in 2012.