Sacred Attention Therapy Online Training - Is It For You?

Sacred Attention Therapy Online Training - Is It For You?
The Center for Human Awakening
The Center for Human Awakening
~ The Psycho-Spiritual Teachings of Richard Harvey ~
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Sacred Attention Therapy (SAT) Online Training
Is It For You?


1.  Sometimes something needs to change in your life. Perhaps you are stuck in patterns of negative behavior; perhaps you feel unhappy or compromised in your relationships, working life, creativity, abundance, or spiritual practice. Now is the time—you are ready to do something about it and to change.

2.  Acquiring the skill and knowledge you need to set up a therapy practice is your first step in your ambition to make a career change or follow your calling to become a therapist-counselor. You want to be an effective healer and you feel you are ready now to learn how to be a cutting-edge psychological-spiritual practitioner.

3. Therapists who want to add SAT to their existing knowledge-wisdom base and areas of skill and expertise recognize that SAT training has something unique and radically different and effective to offer them. Either as another string to your bow or as an entirely new radical approach to psychological and spiritual healing in the 21st century, SAT training offers a fresh psycho-spiritual modality to your existing practice.

The SAT Online Training Course is flexible enough to offer all these, as well as versatile enough to give you a broad, expansive, and inspired experience of depth study and/or several months of essential steps to personal liberation.

All therapists should be either liberated from their personality traits or have the intention to do so. SAT offers the means to true freedom and thus an effective mode of practice for the therapist-counselor.

  "All therapists and healers are doing one thing and one thing only... releasing their clients from fear. Therefore the therapist and the therapist-in- training need have one primary focus: the liberation of him- or herself from fear." 
                                      - Richard Harvey -

If any one of the signs in the acronym S-A-T above fits you, please read on...


1.  SAT addresses the totality of the human being. Much has been made of the holistic approach over the last few decades. This has been an important aspect of contemporary healing. However, until SAT not only are people confused about spirituality and enlightenment, they are particularly disempowered by not having a lucid map of how their individual personality connects to their spirituality. SAT's Three Stages of Awakening clearly plots this journey and provides the philosophical backdrop to SAT methodology.

2. Always strive for the impossible. The life of love, compassion, and authenticity becomes a reality through SAT—individually, relationally, and collectively. The ideal we all share is to live in a light-filled, love-rich world of mutual caring and concern, peace, cooperation, and Reality. This vision has to be attained by humanity, because the alternative, the continuing degeneration of humanity into ignorance, neglect, and hate is unthinkable. Prepare to change through exploring the middle stage of heart-opening, compassion, and authenticity that is so needed today in the SAT Online training Level 3.

3. Completing your personal therapy can be done. This idea is unique to SAT because SAT focuses expansively and comprehensively on the full potential, capacity, and destiny of each individual. Since personality and character stem from past experience, they can be healed to make way for vibrant life, spontaneity, and authentic relationship. Completing personal therapy is the primary focus for Levels 1-2 of the SAT training.

4.  Ready to think outside the box? SAT is a new approach and model. Our modern era is unique, so SAT proposes and offers an entirely new way of growth and development. However, many modern and ancient teachings are honored and used, and even progressed in SAT. While being an entirely fresh paradigm, SAT incorporates the psycho-spiritual wisdom of the last several thousand years.

5. Embrace freedom by resolving conditioned patterns. Human unhappiness is largely caused by our unawareness of frustrating emotional-behavioral patterns based on past experience. In SAT Level 1 we learn precisely how to resolve our conditioning to enable us to shed our patterns. Although the way is difficult, by working through the modules step by step each of the questions and tasks required for our awakening is clearly given.

6.  Defining therapy as a relationship of joint attention. The "expert approach" is outdated and irrelevant in the present era. If we are to move forward into a more sane and compassionate era of human relationship, the assumed superiority that is believed to come with professional training must be relinquished. In SAT the hierarchy between therapist and client is dropped in favor of joint practice, shared attention, and healing through a relationship based in essence.

Are interested in pursuing SAT Online Training? Read an overview of the training or details of Level 1 training. You can also reach us through the contact form below...

What people are saying about SAT Online Training Level 1:

"​So often teaching therapy stops short of the connection with the spiritual, or perhaps is just not recognised by the therapist when they have entered into that sacred, and often forgotten place. The awareness of the spiritual dimension seems to require the heart chakra to first break, release the hidden pains into the field of compassion; which, in my experience, has a mysterious element to it; and then transformation occurs. There is no blue print to our development, but wholehearted honesty in every living connection seems to be a vital key to disclosing the works of love. The very best to you for your work with the Sacred Attention Therapy Online Training. The world needs the seeds to be planted!"
Marion Duff, Counsellor, FE/HE Tutor, and Supervisor, BACP, Cert Ed.

"Richard, you have an insight that resonates on so many levels. You are able to articulate an awareness that would otherwise just remain an innate acknowledgement. I have a broad professional background but always searched for an understanding that never quite emerged through theory and postgraduate education; your work and insight seems to make sense of that missing link for me and feeds my yearning to escape the statutory demands that don't fit with my passion for offering psychospiritual compassion and support. Thank you for your wisdom -- it's a privilege to know you and learn from you."
Kirsty Hodgson, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, and Supervisor; Advisor on Mental Health Strategy to the House of Commons and the Scottish Parliament.

"Richard’s teaching is a simple and direct pointing to the Truth. More importantly, Richard’s teaching is readily accessible, easily comprehended, and it produces results. Self-exploration is the only way a human being will awaken to their divine self, and Richard provides valuable, wise and loving, safe guidance to anyone serious wanting to discover, and self-realize."
Mark T. Filippo, Spiritual Counselor and writer/blogger 

"The content is exemplary. I am really impressed by the freshness and feel to it, and also the thoroughness. I have done a lot of training and nothing has touched the thoroughness and depth of the SAT training, videos, supporting documents, etc. which all complement each other nicely. The process has also deepened me, which is great. There is a lot there and I am slowly orientating myself to the scale of the course.

Richard’s writings and my personal experience of working with Richard to the Sacred Attention Therapy (SAT) model have provided me with an invaluable deepening and broadening of my inner work. Personally, professionally, spiritually and psychologically Richard’s work has helped bring together and add to all of my prior therapeutic, theological and healing training into a heart-based therapy that is both thorough and honouring. Richard’s original idea of the Central Character Dynamic (CCD) and the process of clarifying its structure is truly ground-breaking and has been one of the most frustrating, annoying (to my ego at any rate) and rewarding experiences to date. I have felt the benefits of SAT personally and have been privileged to witness them with clients."
Oliver Baum BA (Hons), M.Theol, MBACP.
Lead Therapist and Practice Director,
The Owl Practice, Guildford, Surrey, UK

Read more testimonials here...
Sacred Attention Therapy Online Training Is It For You?
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